Spiritual Health Check?

Reading a book together is a fun way to journey through a subject. You could consider a book study as one method of discipleship. (We have several groups who operate on this model permanently).

Years ago, in the old days when Pastor Nick was around, we studied the book Purpose Driven Life as a church. It was a global phenomenon at the time, for sure, but there’s a reason for that; the book was simple and powerful.

One of the tools developed to partner with the book was a self assessment called The Purpose Driven Life Health Assessment which helps to measure how we’re tracking in line with God’s five key purposes for us (as identified by author Pastor Rick Warren).

We were planned for God’s pleasure

– so your first purpose is to offer real worship.

We were formed for God’s family

– so your second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.

We were created to become like Christ

– so your third purpose is to learn real discipleship.

We were shaped for serving God

– so your fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.

We were made for a mission

– so your fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism.

PB507001_grandeYou may want to use this simple assessment tool with your lifegroup as a means of opening discussion or identifying areas where they feel they need support. You can assess the free assessment tool here: http://purposedriven.com/books/pdlbook/#purpose