

Your giving helps many people and we appreciate your support.

The giving of finances to the work of God is a biblical principle that we believe is just as important today as it was in the time of Jesus. When we make a choice to honour God as the first thing we do with our finances, we are saying “we thank you Lord, and we trust you.”

You can give online in many ways.

Give now via secure processor:

By online bank payment:

Log on to your internet banking or mobile app and set up a payment as follows:

Payee: Zion Church Trust
Bank account Number: 06-0594-0178286-00
Reference: Use your allocated giving number
(Don’t have a giving number but want one? Email us and ask!)

If you’re registered with us and have a giving number, we’ll be sure to send you a giving Receipt at the conclusion of the New Zealand financial year so that you can use this receipt for your tax return.

Thanks for partnering with us for the work of God’s Kingdom!