How Do We Align With Peace?

I have tried to write this devotion many times over today, and to be honest, feel at a loss for words. Today brought the news that many of us were waiting for, and yet none of us were expecting. A nationwide lock down.It feels scary and unknown.

But God.

The two words that have run through my head all day. But God. We serve a God who is bigger, greater and stronger than any virus or pandemic. We serve a God of peace and of sound mind. We serve a God who has gone before us, who stands for us, who stands beside us and who stands behind us. We serve a God that is good. We serve a God who provides. Who blesses. Who hears. We serve a God who leans into the cries and meets them with peace and understanding. Our Hope. Our Defender. Our Miracle-Worker. Our Redeemer and our Restorer.

We are in a season that feels crazy. But God.

So, how do we align with peace when chaos is trying to rule?

  • We worship.
  • We pray.
  • We profess and declare scripture.
  • We praise.
  • We pray.
  • We encourage one another.
  • We proclaim the Name of God.
  • We pray.
  • We dig into The Word.
  • We pray.
  • We love.
  • We speak promises.
  • We worship.
  • We choose to partner with God.
  • We invite Holy Spirit to make our homes His home.
  • We praise.
  • We worship.
  • We pray.

Be encouraged church, God is near. Nothing can change that.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Aroha Nui,

Here’s a worship playlist for you: