The New Zealand summer is a fickle thing, isn’t it?! One day it’s hot and pushing you closer in your embrace with the air-conditioner and the next you’re reaching for a pair of jeans and a sweater! Regardless of the weather, I hope you found a chance to rest and refresh over the Christmas and New Year holidays.
For Kathy and I, we found ourselves enjoying time with extended family in different parts of the country. Our kids both work and so were able to join us for only a short part of that time. We really enjoy time with family, but we also enjoy getting away just to rest with some peace and quiet!
As 2020 drew to a close it’s fair to say I was feeling pretty tired and worn out – maybe even worn down. Many circumstances caused personal trauma and changes in our church family environment also brought uncertainty. “What will 2021 look like?” I wondered to myself in the dark night when sleep evaded me.
The key to find rest is to find God.
The key to find rest is to find God. Not that God is lost, but often we lose Him when we find ourselves tired, worn out or in ‘Struggle Street’. For me, the quiet days of summer made it easy to find God in a time of reflective prayer, a favourite worship playlist or a deep conversation with a friend.
There’s a saying that goes, “All of the church is in the Kingdom, but not all the Kingdom is in the church.” This means there is much more to God’s Kingdom than we see or experience in a Sunday gathering. In the same way, our life of faith is more than attending a church meeting.
I hope that you have not “taken the summer off” from your faith. I hope you enjoyed the activities prepared in the Church Without Walls series, pausing for fellowship with others, seeking God in prayer and worship, and spending time in His Word. The point of these activities is not the action, it’s the result; connection with God.
I look forward to walking the journey of 2021 with you.