A journey to transformation

A journey to transformation

At ZION we are currently in a series about pilgrimage, you can check it out HERE. I have generally considered a pilgrimage to be a journey, and it is, but more than that a pilgrimage is where ‘a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about their self, others, nature, or a higher good through the experience. It can lead to personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life.’ At least that’s what it is according to Wikipedia.

Romans 12:2 – ESV “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Our lives as Christians are a pilgrimage, we go in, accepted by our God as we are, but as we travel we are transformed, and we live our lives changed.

The thing about this transformation, much like any good coming of age, or transformation story you might read, is that your traveling companions matter. Its very hard to transform into something more Christ-like if you aren’t traveling with anybody Christ-like.

your traveling companions matter

In no specific order, these are the companions I suggest you take with you on your journey.

God, the Father. No epic journey is complete without a wise, kind, loving father figure who guides you as you navigate situations.

Jesus Christ, the Son. I call Jesus the Son here, mostly because this is how most people recognise him, but in this context I need to remind you of some of the other things Jesus was. A teacher, a travelling companion, the seasoned friend. Jesus is the example of the companion whose path we are retracing. He points out the tripping spots, the dangers, and when we listen to him, he guides us to the safer paths. These paths may still be treacherous, but he is the one who shares the best way to navigate them.

The Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit is the member of the traveling party who seems to be the most aware of what’s going on in your thought life. He is the one who disputes the lies, the one who challenges our beliefs, the one who holds us to the things we’ve said.

As you get to know the trinitarian nature of our God you will find that no matter which incarnation of him you feel as though you are traveling with, they each carry the same personality, the same love, the same caring for you, and will be with you every step of the way as you transform into the person your pilgrimage is leading you to be.