Imagine Your New Season

Imagine Your New Season

As I said recently, a new season requires a new mindset; “… a new location gives a new perspective — when your feet are in a different location you get a different view.  What you choose to see determines how you think.” 

Today I want to encourage you to process this statement and consider what you choose to see in your imagination.  

What we see in our imagination is often the seed that births faith to receive what the Lord has prepared. 

When the Lord made a promise to His people, He declared that they would move from the bondage of slavery “to a land flowing with milk and honey,” (Ex 3:17). The Lord then reiterated this promise several times, (Ex 13:5, Ex 33:3). Perhaps the Israelites were thickheaded and needed reminding? Or perhaps a repeated promise is the Lord’s determined effort to build faith and expectation in us? 

The promise of God was clearly in the hearts and minds of some of the people. When Moses sent the spies into the Promised Land, two came back with a positive report while ten were hope-less. Joshua and Caleb boldly declared, “If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey,” (Num 14:8). Where do you suppose they beheld this statement? It must be accepted, surely, that they had heard what God had promised over and over and held it close in faithful expectation. 

In my experience, this is how God uses our imagination. I have seen God declare promises over my life and then nurture those promises through hope-filled dreams and desires. I often see in my imagination the fulfillment of those things that are promised, but not quite here yet. 

And so, for you, I’d like to ask you what this new season in God looks like in your imagination. What promises are you holding on to? What does the future look like in the eyes of your imagination? How can you hold these things close in faithful expectation? 

For me as the leader of ZION people, I have a sense of excitement that there are many good things in store for us all. Truly, we are coming into a season where we will see the goodness of God before us (Ps 27:13-14), where we will occupy cities we did not build and harvest fields we did not plant, (Deut 6:11). This is a time where we move into the land of milk and honey. 

“Look down from Your holy habitation, from heaven, and bless Your people Israel and the land which You have given us, just as You swore to our fathers, a land flowing with milk and honey.” (Deut 26:15) 

Will you perceive it? 

 Phil Strong