He (Christ) makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:15-16 (NLT)

Spiritual directors are trained in the special work of accompanying others on their spiritual journey. They help you notice for yourself the direction God seems to be drawing you, in love, that seems to be for your good and growth. Sometimes suggestions or resources are offered to explore if you would like to.

It was in fear and trepidation I arrived at my first session of spiritual direction. Was I going to be told what to do, think or believe? My faith journey had been reasonably smooth but now I felt a little lost and wondered if there was more. Friends tried helping, but I needed to talk to someone empathetic and objective. I was warmly welcomed. We chatted and I soon felt at ease. My spiritual director invited me to share as much as I wanted about why I came. She facilitated my relationship with God through prayerful listening as she waited on the real director of the spiritual direction process, the Holy Spirit, to guide us. She helped me slow down, take my time, and asked open ended questions that helped me reflect on my experience. This helped me notice where the movements of grace were and consider what God’s invitation might be for me. Some relevant scripture and an appropriate book were offered. She also suggested I could draw a timeline of my faith. This helped me see God’s presence at various times in my life. Her unconditional acceptance allowed me the freedom to choose my response to God’s call. Since then, I’ve continued meeting monthly with my director who provides that quiet, sacred space. I look forward to being gently encouraged to grow in my awareness of the ‘holy in the ordinary’, develop contemplative practices to connect more deeply with God and respond to inner invitations for healing, growth and maturing that arise in my life of faith.

I wonder what season you might be in at this time on your journey with God? Could God, be drawing you, in love, in a direction that seems to be for your good and growth? Maybe the special work of accompaniment offered by a spiritual director could help you discern what that direction might be?

Naomi Greene