Motivation and Momentum

Have you ever noticed that when you are having one of those days, where everything just feels too hard, you just sort of sit there waiting for motivation to come? At that point you have two choices, keep waiting for the motivation (which was never going to turn up by itself, just saying), or you get up and achieve one little thing, and then another little thing, and then you realise you have had a productive day.

I remember at high school my principal read us a snippet from Admiral William H. McRaven’s famous speech about making your bed every day, and teenage me went ‘Yeah, right, Mum has been trying to convince me of that for years’.  Now, many years on, I realise that actually making your bed can be that one little thing that you tick off the list that allows the momentum to build *. It can turn days when you want to do nothing, into hugely successful days.

Or for some other imagery; One of those snowballs in the movies that rolls down the hill picking up speed and size as it goes. 

So how does this relate to God?

I have spent most of the last 2 years, waiting for motivation to hit me when it comes to my relationship with God. Recently, I realised that much like relationships with our friends, we do need to take action to build and grow friendships.  

I have been listening to God and taking steps in the direction of His purpose. It started with turning up to high tea, even though I didn’t want to, which made turning up to Table group easier. Speaking at the ‘Hearing from God 101’ workshop, which made giving 3 testimonies in 3 Temple weeks easier. Turning up to Temple, made going to Shout Conference feel like a walk in the park.  

Historically, this would have been enough to have me hide at home for a week in a state of panic, but the momentum that is building towards taking steps to connect and be obedient to God, means that I feel empowered and motivated to do the next thing he asks of me. My faith grows as I take more and more steps and trust him to catch me even when I feel like I am going to fall.  

If you feel like you are struggling to connect with God, or even if you aren’t, ask Him what he would like you do to connect with him this week.

Know that He may stretch your perceived limits, but He knows that you are capable. Try to do the thing he asks. Let’s see if we can become the metaphorical snowball rolling down the hill picking up speed just in time for Christmas.


 *(Science and physics enthusiasts, please forgive my use of the word momentum in a non-science context)