Our recent “crossing over” into our new location at ZION Hub has resulted in a universal feeling of freshness and a sense of the “new” the Lord has for us. It seems like our people feel settled quickly and buoyant about what is ahead of us. The new building looks and feels fantastic, even though not fully finished!
While it seems simple to behold, the reality is that a new location gives a new perspective — when your feet are in a different location you get a different view. What you choose to see determines how you think. Therefore, a new season requires a new mindset.
We cannot think, operate or even pray the same way we have in the previous season.
In one prayer meeting, Elder Brown noted that the people of God fought defensive battles of survival before crossing over, and they fought offensive battles of occupation after crossing over. We must now fight with a new sense of occupying our promise.
Our new mindset must be programmed by the “mind of Christ” that we each possess as part of our inheritance, as “discerned by the Spirit” (1 Cor 2: 14). The Bible clearly instructs us that we are a kingdom of Priests, a revelation which demands more than prayer and discerning, but activation in divine authority to advance the mission of our King.
We have a responsibility that comes with our royalty!
I perceive that this new mindset for the new season will be one in the same spirit as Joseph; receiving divinely granted revelation that brings Kingdom solutions to cities that have dire needs. This could include feeding the hungry, caring for widows and housing the homeless. But what if it included more?
What if we stood against the giants that seek to destroy people and, for example, tore down the stronghold of the Pride Movement? (What gives them the right to steal the sign God gave of His mercy?) What if we opposed the spirit behind the gender diversity movement, and led people back to a place of their true identity as sons and daughters who are created uniquely and perfectly? What else might the Lord grant as an assignment if we were willing to say yes?
The Great Commission has given us a mandate to declare the gospel message of hope, and this is essential. But what is often omitted is the instruction to disciple nations (Matt 28: 19). Surely reformation of society can only result from leading people in the ways of God?
Let’s remain united in prayer and embrace the responsibility that comes with our royalty.