Are You Expecting A Trickle Or A Torrent?

Are You Expecting A Trickle Or A Torrent?

When we moved into our rental property the shower was dreadful! In fact, it was so bad, that on day 2 we called the property manager and asked if they could please come and fix it.

The water trickled out so lightly that we had to cup our hands to hold water just so we could rinse off the soap! It was a dribble at best and not what we had expected!

The Plumber turned up the next day, installed a new shower head, and we soon had a torrent of water cascading down on us. It was bliss!

Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of talk about floodgates being opened.

Phil shared a video of some floodgates being released. When the floodgates are opened there is no stopping that water, just like when you get a new shower head!

When the floodgates are opened there is no stopping that water

It is not a trickle that comes out but a torrent of water that is unstoppable.

We read in Malachi 3:10 that “God will throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it”

To me, that is not a trickle but a torrent!

So why is it, that we only expect a trickle from God when it comes to blessings?

Why is it we limit our expectations of what He can do?
Why are we happy with trickles and not torrents?

I don’t know about you, but I tend to put God in a box. A Kathy size box with Kathy size limitations and Kathy size miracles. When I do that, all I can expect is a trickle because that is all I can comprehend.

I think sometimes we are happy with a trickle. We can justify it by saying, well at least it’s better than no water. I should be thankful I even have water (and yes you should be!) but why would you settle for a trickle, when God promises a torrent?

why would you settle for a trickle, when God promises a torrent?

He promises to open the floodgates, which when fully opened is not just let a trickle, but a full-on torrent that is unstoppable!

I don’t think it is wrong to expect a torrent. In fact, it says we can expect it if we are obedient in bringing our whole tithe to the storehouse.

So, I don’t know about you, but I am believing for a torrent! I am being obedient to what God asks and believing that God will open the floodgates and that torrent will come.

Even though it feels like a trickle at the moment, I will still sing of his goodness. I will shout from the rooftops how extravagant my God is and all He has done. I will give all praise and honour to Him. I am thankful for the trickle, but I am also expectant for the torrent. And I will wait patiently, and obediently for when He opens those floodgates and the torrent comes. I am so ready…..
