At Your Table

At Your Table

When we say we’d like to encourage you to gather together at your table, we are hoping that you meet together to share a meal as part of your ministry and fellowship.  But the opportunity is so much greater.  Here are five simple ideas to get you started. 

What about having fun together? 

I’m sure the Lord Jesus had fun with His disciples as they walked across Judea.  You can also have fun together as part of your connection together.  Life happens around the BBQ, with a game’s night, fishing on the boat or even on the golf course!  When we enjoy each other and invite Jesus to be included, ministry happens naturally!  Make fun with Jesus your aim and see what He does. 

Sharing in the Lord’s Supper. 

When you get together, it’s always a good idea to centre your attention on what Jesus achieved for us at Calvary.  This does not require a sermon, but it does mean we aim our focus on Him.  Break a cracker and say a prayer of thanks.  Share a small drink and confess your faith in the blood of Jesus.  When you come together, remember Him. 


One of the regular disciplines we follow in Eldership meetings is to pause for a WIGSAD.  This means we each share “What is God Saying and Doing?” as a chance to give Him glory for the goodness we experience in our lives.  When we give thanks to God, He is well pleased.  You can do this, too, and build faith in others through your testimony. 

Personal Bible Devotions. 

Why not take a single Bible verse and each speak to what it means to you personally?  How about breaking the verse down into words and doing a simple word study using an app on your phone?  When you read scripture aloud, it has the power to transform your heart and mind.  God has given us the Bible as a blessing, so let’s use that blessing to bless each other. 

Engage with your neighbours. 

This may be a tough one, especially as people become more inward focused.  But why not give it a go.  Who is your neighbour?  The one who the Lord points you to.  Pray and ask the Lord to show you someone who you might invite to your table.  Perhaps this means you invite them to the park so the kids can play on the swings, and perhaps it looks like a BBQ meal together?  You won’t know what God has for you if you don’t ask Him! 

As you explore life at the Table this summer, we hope the Lord expands your ministry to include fun, friends and fellowship.  As you do, we believe the Lord will build His church!