Blessed to be a Blessing

Blessed to be a blessing 

This past weekend we were again encouraged as people shared testimonies in our Sunday morning gathering.  I often marvel at the stream of personal confession in the goodness of God and His involvement in the daily lives of His children. Let’s face it—He’s always active, we simply need to pause so we can; i) recognise His handiwork, and ii) give testimony to others for His glory. 

One testimony spoke of the surprise gift that was “just in time” to ensure a mortgage payment could be met.  There were tears in many eyes as we each contemplated, not the surprise, but the significance of surety in a place to live.  After all, doesn’t Jesus promise to look after the birds of the air and the lilies in the field? (Matt 6: 25-30) 

Another testimony spoke of the safe transit home late at night, especially concerning for someone who doesn’t see too well in poor light.  And yet, their profession of faith was the deliverance of God who ensured they would not be in danger.  Psalms chapter 121 is a firm reminder of our firm foundation in God. 

And yet, not all testimonies are shared, and nor should they be.  Some blessings are privately preserved in praiseful thanksgiving, ensuring a moment of personal communion with the Lord. Oh, that we would oft turn our face to the heavens and declare our loving thankfulness at the never-ending mercy of God! 

Our household was blessed over the weekend with a surprise package of food left on our doorstep.  I was grateful for the message to ensure we rescued the bag of meat before the neighbour’s dog intercepted it.  This genuine generosity was a blessing to us in stocking the freezer and we will be sure to invite others to our table to enjoy the Lord’s providence.  I know our benefactors are not looking for public recognition and are simply being faithful and obedient to the leading of the Lord. 

As I sat listening to stories in a team coffee catch up this morning, I heard other tales of blessing that are happening across the church family.  I am blessed to hear of them, encouraged in the assurance that people are blessing others.   

Even now as I write this devotion, the Lord is reminding me of other acts of generosity I have been personally blessed by in the last seven days, and I am overwhelmed at the love of people expressed in giving. 

“The Lord works His goodness through the hands of people like you and me. 

The Lord is good, that is always true.  The Lord is always attentive to our needs, that is also true.  And finally, what else is true is the reality that the Lord works His goodness through the hands of people like you and me.  So, be blessed by God and share your blessings with others.  You are blessed to be a blessing!