Can we trust God?

Can we trust God?

We can only really trust God if we believe God is good.

If we believe a lie about who God is, we cannot totally trust Him.

  • We can’t really trust a God who would inflict disease on someone to teach them something.
  • We can’t trust a God who would cause a child to die, because he needed them more than we did.
  • We can’t trust a God who did not create the world in the way His Word says.

The taint of accusation undermines our faith by putting doubt in our heart.

These lies (and others) are suggested to us to undermine the goodness of God and undermine our faith. Lies have the power to shipwreck our faith if we do not take them and declare the Truth of Word of God instead.

The Bible tells us God is love. (1John4), that God is good. (Psalm 34:8), That He does not change (Malachi 3:6). That God does not lie. (Numbers 23:19).

When Satan came to tempt Jesus, he questioned the Word of God, He tempted Jesus to test God, (a form of manipulation). He tempted Jesus to worship someone other than God

Jesus did not get into a conversation with him. Instead, He quoted the Word back to him. This is how we are supposed to deal with the lies of the enemy.

In Romans 1 Paul tells us that God has made himself known by his creation and there are consequences for not believing His Truth.

 (Romans 1:24-25)  ‘’Therefore God also gave them up  to uncleanness and the lusts of their heart, and to dishonour their bodies amongst themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for a lie…..’’

When we understand the strategy of the enemy it makes it easier to discern his attack on our faith and our trust in God.

So what lie has the enemy tried to sell you? That you are sick, living in lack even though you tithe, because you need to learn a lesson?

Jesus healed the sick, he provided where there was lack and he raised the dead. He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. 

We will always learn from any situation that we are in, if we “walk it out with the Lord.”  This does not mean He created the situation.

Jesus said : If you’ve seen me you have seen the Father.  (John14:9)

So if you don’t see Jesus doing it or saying it, God does not do or say it.