Christ’s ambassadors

Christ’s ambassadors

According to the dictionary an ambassador is an official who represents his or her own country in a foreign country, and according to 2 Corinthians 5:20 we are Christ’s ambassadors here on earth.

After a bit of research, I was able to find out some of the roles of an ambassador:

  1. To ensure the security of their citizens living in the foreign country.
  2. To support prosperity and peace, building strong diplomatic and economic ties with the foreign nations.
  3. To administer the affairs of the embassy (a place that administers and/or houses the ambassadors).

So, as ambassadors of Christ, we can claim these are our roles too.

It’s part of our role while here on earth to ensure the other residents of heaven (Christians) are well. That they are not under attack, that they are safe, that they are provided for, and perhaps more importantly, that they still have a strong connection to their real home, heaven, because ultimately, they will return there.

As ambassadors our presence should build peace and prosperity in the country, region, district, town, or even just the street you find yourself placed in. Your environment should be impacted by your presence. The abundance that you are blessed with should be overflowing into the lives of the people around you, whether that is through finances, your joy, your abilities, whatever you have in abundance should be changing not only your lives, but the lives of the individuals and families in your community.

our presence should build peace and prosperity

Finally, our role is to administer the affairs of the ‘embassy’. This will likely mean your church, and begs the question, where are you serving? Where could you be serving? What are you holding in your hand that could assist in the running of Christ’s embassy here on earth? You may not feel like you have much, but God always equips His people with exactly what they need, so chances are you already have what is needed to fill a specific gap.

God always equips His people

You are an ambassador, we are ambassadors, and Christ planted us exactly where we are, equipping us with His authority so that we can well represent Him. You have everything you need to do the role set before you.

You have everything you need to do the role set before you.