church without walls

Church Without Walls – Message 2

Paradigms Are Shifting

A paradigm is a pattern or model that shapes our beliefs, theories and methods. But what happens when God comes and shakes us to reshape our paradigms – do we allow Him to shake us and shift us?

Ps Phil Strong speaks about the shifting paradigms we see in the church. If you don’t remain open to see God shift things we may miss the exciting revelations He has for our future.

Peter has a vision and a revelation that leads to a major paradigm shift for the church – and we should be thankful for that today! More than just revelation, Peter acts in obedience and willingness to serve and an entire community receive salvation. What could happen with your obedience?

Are you willing to allow God to shift your paradigms?

  • how you see God
  • how you see yourself
  • how you see church
  • how you see your future

In this message you will hear Ps Phil say, “to resist means cease to exist!” What does this mean to you?