In this series of Church Without Walls we’re suggesting to you that church looks like connecting with others to help with your spiritual growth. Sometimes we preach God’s message of love with words and other times our actions of love speak loudest. You can do that when you visit your neighbours.
Gather with others and centre your attention on God in your midst.
Connect Activity #2
Visit your neighbours and deliver treats.

Too often we live in an insular, introverted way and don’t even reach out to those people who live closest to us – our neighbours! In this Connect challenge, we’re encouraging you to make a bold move and deliver some kind of treat to your neighbour. It could be baking, a surprise gift or an offer to help them with a job around the house.
The goal here is to “love your neighbour” so think about their personal situation and circumstances. Are they alone? Would they like company? Alternatively, would they like help? Do they enjoy games? Do they love kids, or would they prefer to avoid them?! In thinking about your neighbour, try and think of something that they would like, not just something that you would like.
You may be thinking, “I don’t know my neighbour that well.”
If that’s what you’re thinking then make your first goal to get to know your neighbour. You may drop them an invite in the letterbox to come for a cuppa as a way to get to know one another. Or, you may take a gift (like a freshly baked cake) to make the connection easier.
Do you have others in your house? If so, invite them to be part of this challenge. Maybe you have young children, if so, include them in preparing the treat you’re planning to deliver. If you have older children, ask them to think about ways they could serve your neighbours by doing chores or running errands.
Do you know others in your neighbourhood? Perhaps you could extend this challenge to include more than one neighbour. Have a street party! Book in a BBQ night, host a games night or plan a working bee.
Don’t limit your imagination as you find ways to love your neighbours.
Have you heard of Neighbourly? Neighbourly is a free service that is designed to make your neighbourhood a safer and better place to live. It’s a website that allows you to stay connected with your neighbours and community using a private neighbourhood website.