In this series of Church Without Walls we invite you to express praise and adoration to God through different styles of worship. This activity invites you to write your own personal psalm or prayer. You will find a new and fresh connection with God as you put aside time to worship God this way.
Our goal in worship should be to lift God up in our life as Lord of all.
Worship Activity #3
Write a personal psalm or prayer.
Here’s the challenge for you today:
Write out a personal psalm or prayer in your journal.
Writing out our prayers forces us to slow down and “live” in the moment of the prayer. You will find as you write prayers you may also write out a song, which is of course a psalm!

Take inspiration from the Psalms of David
Psalm 86 is a prayer of David.
Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am faithful to you; save your servant who trusts in you.
You are my God. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long.
Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.
You can read Psalm 86 here.
This idea of church without walls is all about encouraging us to think wider than church being a building or a meeting we attend. In the same way, praise and worship must not be a “show we watch”, instead it should be something we experience – and it should definitely be something we participate in.
Therefore, do your best to be honest in writing your personal psalm. Here are some simple pointers we found that may help you.
- write from the standpoint of faith; trusting God no matter what.
- try to write in poetic form.
- write with candour and honesty. (The psalmists have taught us that pain and struggle can be freely expressed to God.)
- allow your feelings and emotions to show through, because faith is more than knowledge and facts.
- try to use figurative speech, including metaphors and similes like the psalmists used.
- write reflectively.
- write as New Testament Christians, for we know the Messiah has come.
If you’d like to help children to write Psalms, this guide may help you.