In this series of Church Without Walls we’re suggesting to you that church looks like connecting with others to help with your spiritual growth. Sometimes we preach God’s message of love with words and other times our actions of love speak loudest. Today, make plans for a family bible study.
Gather with others and centre your attention on God in your midst.
Connect Activity #3
Gather with other families and complete a family bible study.

Do you have a crazy image in your head when you think about getting your kids together with other kids to have a calm and sensible time of Bible devotions? It may end up looking a bit like this image here, but surely the effort is going to be worth it, right?! What ever the outcome, we encourage you to give this a go and help your kids to have a natural relationship with the Word of God. Have faith – the seeds you plant in your children at an early age will bear good fruit in the years to come.
Firstly, the goal is connection. Invite one or two other families to join you and make a plan with the parents as to how you’re going to manage the chaos. Who is going to lead and who is going to organise the snacks – all of these things need to be planned.
Find a devotion that will suit your family. There are so many great family devotions available in christian bookstores and on the internet. If you want somewhere to start, download this free short series from focus on the Family.
This is a great opportunity to invite other children in your neighbourhood to be a part of your family bible study.
Pray with your children and ask God to show them who they would like to invite over to join you. Be very careful to fully inform the parents what you are doing so they don’t accuse you of wrong motives. Trust God that He will open the door for a significant connection.
God’s Good News is for everyone!
It’s likely at this stage you’re still nervous about the way this is going to go, after all, you know your kids best! Have a read of these articles and find some inspiration and motivation.

Or, try this article from Focus on the Family.