In this series of Church Without Walls we invite you to express praise and adoration to God through different styles of worship. In this post we explore the different spiritual pathways that lead us to God. You will find new ways to connect with God that will help you in your lifestyle of worship.
Our goal in worship should be to lift God up in our life as Lord of all.
Worship Activity #2
You have a unique pathway to God.
Here’s the challenge for you today:
Learn more about the different spiritual pathways and discover yours.
When you understand your personal pathway you will be able to more easily find ways to connect with God and worship Him the way He designed you.

Spiritual Pathways Resource
In the attached reference document you will see there are nine sacred pathways. (This tool is designed to guide you, not control or limit you.) This resource is based on the book, Sacred Pathways, written by Gary Thomas.
Click on the link below to read the attached document and complete the assessment at the end. When you more clearly understand your preference you will more easily find ways to worship God.
This idea of church without walls is all about encouraging us to think wider than church being a building or a meeting we attend. In the same way, praise and worship must not be a “show we watch”, instead it should be something we experience – and it should definitely be something we participate in.
As you spend time in this material you will discover new and unique ways to connect with God. Our prayer is that you will experienced a heightened awareness of God in many different ways.