come to jesus

Come to Jesus

Jesus said, ‘come unto me’.

Why is this often the hardest thing to do, to come to Jesus?

Why do we find coming to God a chore and not a delight?

When we read the word, why is it so difficult to remember what God was saying an hour later?

I have often though about this over the years and have come to the conclusion that we approach the Bible and prayer wrongly.

Why do we come to the Lord at all?

  1. Is it because our very human heart is broken. Something has happened that has hurt us badly. A broken relationship. A death, an illness.
  2. Maybe you feel you can’t take this life anymore. Work is too hard, the people around you unreasonable, nobody cares about you or your feelings. Hope is at a very low ebb.
  3. Maybe our spiritual resources are gone and God feels so far away.
  4. Or Maybe we are wrestling with things we do not understand.

I wonder what would happen if we came to God for His Presence, His Fellowship, Meeting Him. Would those ‘hard things’ become ‘light’ because we have been in the presence of Almighty God and we have seen our problems with His perspective.

He only is able to deliver, to guide, to love. Come to Him, into His presence. You will find that enough.

“Come unto me all ye who labour and I will give you rest. “

Matt 11.28
