Do we need the Lord as much as we need our phones

Do we need the Lord as much as we need our phones?

I don’t know a single person who hasn’t been impacted by mobile phones in some way. In this generation they have become our portal into the world, the only question is; in this age of having everything at our fingertips do we need the Lord as much as we need our phones?

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13 ESV

As we each relax at the end of our day, slumping onto our couches, and beginning what can only be called the death scroll we have to start asking, where is God in this process? What kind of space is He occupying in our lives?

Thanks to our easy access to social media many of us can tell you intimate details about the lives and careers of our favourite celebrities and social media influencers. We know the names of their children, what they believe and why, and we can share their favourite brands, and even many of the things they actively dislike, but I’d wager that many of us can’t say the same of God. Do we know what God loves? What He hates? Do we have any real knowledge of what His character is like? Or, unlike with the branding of our favourite influencer, do we not recognise the tone, or branding that is uniquely Gods?

When we navigate our day only to come to the realisation that we have left our phones somewhere many of us experience at least a moment of panic. Our phones are the holders of our memories, entertainment, organisation for our finances, homes, and calendars, they provide multiple ways to connect with people, and so much more. Meanwhile, how many days can we go without cracking the spine of our Bible?

If we went to God, and his word, as often as we go to our phones, if we treated God as though He were our favourite influencer, what would our lives look like? What would our relationship with God look like?

I can only imagine that if we were as desperate to know God as we are to get our hands on the recipe for our favourite influencers’ breakfast, that maybe we would have different conversations with our friends and family, we would have different relationships with our food and bodies, that our desires around what we mentally, emotionally, and physically allow into our bodies would change, because we would start emulating God, the author and perfector of our faith, rather than that influencer with the nice hair.

As someone who has been caught in the death scroll on more than one occasion, I think that perhaps it’s time to start investing more time into the pursuit of God as I put into funny cat videos, and maybe it’s time for you to do the same?
