without vision

Don’t lose sight of what is important

The world is a tough place right now and with so many things going on it is easy to lose sight of what is important.  To lose sight of the only one that deserves our attention…God.

In my walk with God, it took a long time to learn that lesson.  God wasn’t visual, He was unseen, and it was easier to try to please the people that I could see. What I discovered was that people were never pleased.  Sure you may get the odd show of appreciation in the form of kind words or a thank you gift but it did not fill my cup the way I hoped it would.

So, I turned my focus to what could be changed in me.  I wanted to serve God by serving others, not for gratitude but solely for God and the gift of life He has given me.  What I found by doing this was a peace like no other.  During our toughest battles God gave me peace.  I turned to Him simply by putting some worship songs on.  I found songs that strengthened me and gave me hope like Psalm 46 by Shane & Shane.  I learned that God would be with me through it all.

When I heard the song ‘Different’ by Micah Tyler I thought “That’s what I want to be!” and dinosaurs aside, I believe God is allowing me to make a difference.

Caroline Baker