Embracing The Prophetic

It was the Apostle Paul who said “I wish you all spoke in tongues, but even more that you would prophesy.” (1 Cor 14:4)

The Bible teaches us about different levels of the prophetic gift and this short article is by no means an attempt to teach exhaustively on prophetic ministry. We have many people at Eastside who could support you to develop your lifegroup in this area and several ministries designed to help (e.g. ArmMe and Kingship).

The point of this email is to encourage you to encourage the development of prophetic ministry in your lifegroup at its most simplest level. Here’s a definition:

Simple prophecy: This is for edification, exhortation, and comfort of people by giving them the prophetic impressions that you feel you have received. Usually these words are given in a small group setting or in a ministry line instead of on the microphone in a public meeting.

“He who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.”
(1 Cor. 14:3)


Building up people by giving confirmation that brings them hope or focus. A common way to do this is by giving them a Scripture that has been important to them or by confirming their ministry calling (evangelist, school teacher, marketplace, etc.).

Calling people to persevere in their ministry calling or promises, etc.

Speaks of giving God’s perspective in a time of difficulty or uncertainty.


You can encourage your lifegroup to extend themselves in this area by practicing on each other. Why not, it’s a safe place to either try this for the first time or to extend the gift and become more clear and precise (as led by the Holy Spirit).