External Reflects Internal

internalIt’s a well known principle that our external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. I don’t know about you, but I can easily pick someone who doesn’t like themselves purely from the way they present themselves; their posture and their demeanour. I don’t say that to criticise or judge them, it’s simply an observation.

When I’m working with people as a coach or leader I’m often looking past the words or charades that are presented to discover the true meaning behind what’s going on. Recently I had a conversation with someone where I asked “what’s REALLY going on?” and was able to get beneath the facade to discuss the real issue at hand.

I learned this ability through years in Sales. I learned that to make money in sales I had to be good at getting beneath the surface, and to do that I had to get good at asking questions. A wise man once said “the quality of the question determines the quality of the outcome.”

In your lifegroup take time to ask questions to seek greater understanding. Recognise that external behaviour is merely a reflection of someone’s internal world.

  • Are their false beliefs that are misleading them?
  • Have they partnered with a lie of the enemy that seeks to rob them of abundant life?
  • Is there a fear that drives their response to circumstances?

When you can carefully and graciously walk this path with your lifegroup you will help to to discover a greater level of personal freedom. And, as a leader, make sure you have your internal world in a healthy place too. You can only lead others where you yourself have been prepared to travel.