Well, as life seems to happen, we all go through seasons. Seasons of joy, seasons of trial, seasons of testing. And let me tell you, I am battling a storm at the moment.
I feel like I’m waiting on so many answers at the moment, wondering when it will be my time, wondering when things will go my way, wondering when the storm will be over and the sun will come out. Unfortunately, I don’t know when that will happen. I certainly trust God’s timing, but it can be tough.
But I am happy to say, that despite feeling like it’s been raining for months & months, I have found peace in the storm. I was talking to someone the other day and they asked how everything is going. The best way I could describe it to them is “I’m sitting peacefully in the storm”. While it feels like an absolute storm around me, I am happily sitting in the rain, knowing God is in control. I know it won’t last forever and I certainly know it won’t be the last storm in my life, but I know God is in control and it’s all part of his plan.

As I go through this season, the Lord has reminded me many times about the story of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8. While it is only four verses, I’ve been extremely challenged by it in this season. You could say Jesus had found peace in the storm! I mean, he was having a nap! Yet the disciples were panicking and worried about what will happen to them. I think it’s too easy for us to feel panicked or worried in these seasons, but I encourage you, find peace in the storm, have a nap…
I’ll leave you with this quote I saw the other day –
“An umbrella cannot stop the rain, but allows us to stand in the rain.
Faith in God cannot stop the storm, but gives us strength to stand through it.”
Jackson Strong