God desires a covenant community

God desires a covenant community

As North End Church family we have a theme of Belonging this year.  One aspect of this is Covenant Connection.  As we look at the plans of God to form a covenant community there are many aspects for us to consider.

Here are five statements for you to spend time researching and praying into.  As you do, God will speak to you about each one and how they apply to your life.  For each person that seeks Him, God will speak personally and call you into a deeper experience of His love and grace.  As you choose to respond and put down any false perceptions of God, He will meet you in that place and show you something amazing!

Spend time with Him and consider these statements.

1. God desires community that enjoys pure love in unity.

2. This is God’s model for us to live with Him and with each other.

3. God will satisfy the conditions of His covenant to restore community.
(He will do all that we cannot do)

4. Our response to God’s invitation to community will determine what we experience today.

5. Faith that leads to a surrendered heart is the only key needed to open all of God’s promises.

If you’re interested in learning more about God’s Eternal Covenant with mankind, check out this podcast:  A Covenant for Eternity