God’s promises are not diminishing.

God’s promises are not diminishing.

I woke up this morning with a cracker of a headache.  You know the type that burns behind your eyes and makes your neck ache?  Yep, one of those. 

And yet, despite the discomfort and distraction, I clearly heard the messenger of the Lord declare with authority, “God’s promises are not diminishing!”  This came with a conviction that I need to share this message promptly, kind of like the urgency of the prophets of old when they, too, had a ‘rhema word’ from a divine messenger. 

“God’s promises are not diminishing!”

Are you one of the people who needed to hear this message from God today?  I am, so let me state it again; “God’s promises are not diminishing!” 

As I meditated on this message, I remembered the young man called “Dreamer” by his brothers.  While he sat in the prison, falsely accused by his employer’s wife and wrongly judged, I’m sure he reminded himself of the promises God had given him in those vivid dreams.  I’m sure he reminded himself of the goodness of God, the faithful nature of God as demonstrated in the lives of his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.  And I bet Joseph remembered that God had saved him from the pit, promoted him with favour before Potiphar, and that God was with him, no matter where he sat. 

God was with him, no matter where he sat.

As I lingered, I remembered the young man who was the “runt of the litter,” and yet was anointed as the future king of Israel – God’s chosen.  The young man who remembered how God had strengthened him to fight lion and bear to protect his father’s flock.  We often read how the same strength and faith flowed through his body as he stepped up to remove Goliath’s head.  And yet, this man was rejected by most and exiled in fear as he waited for God to bring His promise to fruition.  Kind David will forever be honoured as “a man after God’s own heart,” and his story is a fine example of God’s promises never diminishing. 

I know that I must remain focused on the Lord as He leads me toward His promises, and I must keep my dedication to my personal relationship with Him. In this journey, I must maintain the condition of my heart, as Jospeh and David show us by the fruit of their lives.  I must never become obsessed with the promise, for fear it might become an object of worship.  But I also must be sure to keep strong in my faith, absolutely convinced that God’s promises are not diminishing. 

I feel like this is a time where our faith is being made more certain, and in this, God is doing the work.  I believe God is testing and proving our faith, and by that, I mean He is making it stronger.  Just as a silversmith refines, purifies and forms something precious, so too is our loving Heavenly Father forming our faith into something beautiful and valuable. 

I believe God is testing and proving our faith.

Be encouraged; “God’s promises are not diminishing!”