God's Rollercoaster

God’s Rollercoaster

When things look scary, keep God’s safety belt on and enjoy the ride

Thank you Zion for the warm welcome.  I feel like part of the furniture already.

Matthew and I got married 2 ½ years ago.  Our honeymoon was spent packing 2 houses into one shipping container and then shifting with 6 of our 7 teen/twenties kids, from Hastings to Timaru, on New Year’s Eve 2018. 

God knew we needed that time away from everyone to grow with each other and blend our families. 
After 9 months of our ‘Timaru Honeymoon’ God moved us to Roxburgh, Central Otago with the words “Do you trust me?” It has been a hard time. 

Just as the landscape has such amazing grandeur, it also appears barren. Though if you look closely life grows between the rocks and hard places; just as he was working in our lives and in our kids lives.  We have seen the growth in each of our kids; small but significant growth.

We have only recently understood that God was hiding us. It wasn’t a time of dry desert experience that we thought.  We were hidden under the shadow of his wing. A totally different perspective.

Over the last 12 months, God has been speaking to us about returning home to the North Island. 
We haven’t been sure of the when and where. 
God is now lifting his wing. 
The light of promise and hope is coming into view. 
Zechariah 9:12 says “Come home, hope-filled prisoners!”  

As my role here at Zion is administrative, and the technology allows me to work remotely, our options for our next place of residence is still to be determined and discerned. 
As family, I will be here with you; Zoom prayer, Zion family Facebook; we are now family and family is always connected.

I am a Waikato farm girl, with all my family living in Hamilton. Matt’s family is in Hawkes Bay. So this is our time of spying out the land. Discerning where exactly God wants us.

Following God is such an exciting adventure, a real-life rollercoaster ride; up, down, and round and round. Scary and yet exciting all at once. 

What is your God adventure looking like? 
Where are you on God’s rollercoaster of life! 
Even when things look scary, keep God’s safety belt on and enjoy the ride!