Connecting with God

Holy Week Preparation

Your Preparation for Holy Week Determines Your Experience

When Jesus spoke to the crowds He did not hold back – He was direct, confronting and even rude to some.  Recently, in reading the scriptures relating to Easter, I noticed He called a few of His friends “fools”, (Luke 24:25).  Call me weird, but I love that.  C’mon Jesus, don’t hold back!

When Jesus told the Parable of the Good Soil, (Matthew 13), He was creating another opportunity for a conversation that would confront people.  Essentially, Jesus is saying those who seek God’s Kingdom will receive the teaching of Jesus and bear fruit.  But, conversely, Jesus is also saying that those who do not receive His teaching will be like poor soil that bears no harvest.

Quoting Isaiah, Jesus says, “For the hearts of this people have grown dull, their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed.”

I guess I’m saying this is a quick checkpoint for you to consider whether you have become dull…

On Sunday I shared a message on the importance of preparing ourselves to receive Jesus.  This week, the week before Easter, is Holy Week and a great opportunity for us to focus our attention on Jesus in our preparation for Holy Week.  And what we prepare for, we will be ready to receive.

I urge you to take time this week to prepare yourself to receive the following from Jesus:

  1. The power of His resurrection life each day.
  2. Personal friendship at the most intimate level.
  3. Jesus reigning in your world as your King of Peace.
  4. Celebrate the Passover Lamb Who delivers you from bondage.

(If these don’t make sense, grab a cuppa and listen to Sunday’s message!)

How you prepare for life with Jesus will determine what you receive.  Do not miss out on all that Jesus has for you!

This weekend we will remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Of course, we would love you to join us for Passover Dinner on Thursday evening.  (Click here to register.). We would also love to see you at our Celebration Service on Easter Sunday at 10am.

I pray you have a wonderful week in the glory of Jesus and all that He has for you.