
If prayer was oxygen

If prayer was oxygen, would you still be alive?

One of the highlights for me in this lockdown season has been the daily prayer gatherings we have hosted in a Zoom room.  At 7am every morning and at 7pm each night, people have gathered around God’s Word to lift up His Name over our country, our community and our church.  And every time I join, I am blessed.

Prayer is vital to our lives as a believer – kind of like oxygen!  We are designed to be made stronger because of the prayers we offer.  Think about it; God can’t be made stronger, can He?!  So prayer is for our benefit, just like oxygen

Your physical body is designed to need oxygen, without it your body dies.  Your spiritual life is designed to grow stronger as your prayer life grows stronger.

I haven’t always been a praying person, but now that I am I don’t ever want to go back to the way I used to be.  When I wasn’t praying I was weak, but now I feel stronger because of the prayers I have shared with others.  When I wasn’t praying I was focused on myself, but now because of the prayers I have offered for others I know life is less about me.  When I wasn’t praying I often relied on my own wisdom for direction, but now I hear clearly from God.

Our daily Zoom prayers will pause this week as we feel it’s the end of an assignment the Lord has given us.  Now that I am no longer accountable to my praying peers, I wonder if I will rise to the invitation the Lord always lays before me – to commune with Him in conversational relationship.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

My desire is that my prayer life would not diminish so far that I lose the benefits I have gained from my prayers with others.  My desire is to grow stronger, not weaker!

Will you please help me to stay strong in my prayer life?
