It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

But is it? Is that how you see it, as the most wonderful time of the year?

I absolutely LOVE Christmas!

If you know me at all, you will know that I start my Christmas countdown on Boxing Day each year. I love the anticipation of the Christmas to come and everything that comes with it. The food, the festivities, the pure happiness that comes from listening to Christmas music and wearing one of my (numerous!) Christmas t-shirts. Family time, summer holidays and relaxed nights spent with friends.

For me, it really is the most wonderful time of the year!

But I know this is not the case for everyone. Christmas can bring so many emotions with it:

Sadness because of loved ones no longer with us. Disappointment at what the previous year bought. Anger that “everyone else” is enjoying the season but you are not in a place where you want to celebrate. Dejected at what life has thrown at you. Disillusioned at where you are and where you thought you would be. There seem to be more reasons not to celebrate than there are to actually celebrate the season.

But whether you are celebrating, or commiserating, there is always a reason to find joy.

And the reason (for the season) and our joy is the birth of our Saviour.

God sent us Jesus.

Born in a manger, to a young virgin. Fully human and fully God. A baby born to be the Saviour of the world. Born to bring us hope. Born so that he could die. A baby who would one day pay the price for our sins.

That is a great reason to find joy in the season.

May we remember the price this baby would pay so we could live this beautiful life we have been given.

I pray that whatever this Christmas season looks like, you would find time to reflect on the birth of Jesus, and what that means to you personally.

May this season bring you joy.
