It's time to get over ourselves.

It’s time to get over ourselves.

At the risk of sounding like a scratched record with a repeated message, I want to stir us to consider the importance of moving on with life – it’s time to get over ourselves. 

it’s time to get over ourselves

We live in a chaotic world and regular readers will be familiar with my thoughts on the importance of a “reset” and the need to avoid the speed-wobbles of life. The reason I keep banging on this drum is twofold; it’s vital for me to reset my life to a sustainable pace, and the world we all live in seems to be hurting too many people. 

the world we all live in seems to be hurting too many people. 

I was reminded of this last week when a friend stated, “The world needs a long holiday so we each get over ourselves.” What he meant, as I leaned in and listened further, was the devastating impact of dark clouds was taking a heavy toll on his loved ones, (including himself!) 

Simply put, the pressure we create on ourselves and others is unsustainable.  And yet, while we hold the power to do something about it, we choose to bury our head in the sand and avoid the warning sounds coming from the scratched record. 

the pressure we create on ourselves and others is unsustainable

When our kids were young, Kathy and I decided we would administer discipline in a variety of ways. One of the techniques we used was called ‘time out.’ One of the advantages of using this parenting tool, (carefully and wisely), was that time out gave room for a reset, which then allowed for a fresh perspective. What was a life-changing drama only moments earlier, suddenly came into a new light with some space to reconsider. Even young minds have the ability to review their view. 

Even young minds have the ability to review their view

You may remember the Bible story of Jonah and the whale. Well, that’s only the beginning of the story. After his malady in the mammal, the close of his story finds him in self-designated time out as he pouts and complains about the ways of God. His head was all messed up and his heart was twisted by what he experienced. God took care of him, and then he set him straight. Essentially, the story ends with God telling Jonah to get over himself! 

God took care of him, and then he set him straight

Is your life pressing on all sides and causing darkness and despair? If so, perhaps it’s time to put yourself into time out. Are you struggling with the absence of a loving environment and desperate for some kindness that can only come from a loving God? 

I’ve decided to put myself into time out. It’s a carefully and wisely planned process which has been conducted under supervision and care of my Board. Our desire is to see this as an opportunity for a reset that provides fresh perspective. I expect to see some melodrama disappear and even expect to see other issues resolved by my absence! 

Taking ourselves too seriously can mean we don’t withdraw when we need to. This is stubbornness at best and pride at worst. Don’t be too prideful to find the reset you need. 

Taking ourselves too seriously can mean we don’t withdraw when we need to

Originally shared in the TA News 27 October 2022