Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

Thoughts on the life of Joseph.

In recent months I’ve had the wonderful privilege of joining the cast of the TALOS production Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. The show is full of colour and interesting music, and the culture of the cast, led by Donna Higham has been very supportive and friendly.

Along the way I’ve had some interesting insights that have come during weekly consideration of Joseph’s life. Being “up close” to the story and “in character” has greatly enriched my previously moderate understanding and encouraged my faith walk as I’ve done a bit more background study.

The big underlying pattern stated in the Bible book of Genesis was that “God was with Joseph”. This enabled him to interpret dreams in prison and he was very up front that it is not his ability but God’s inspiration that made this possible. Earlier, when stalked/tempted by Potiphar’s wife he was clear that the sin of giving in would primarily be against God. At the end of the story he tells the Brothers that what was intended for evil God has used for good.

Key new and deepening insights for me have been.

– In that pivotal moment in prison (Close Every Door to Me) this was not just about Joseph’s survival, nor the survival of his people, but also about 40 generations later when the ultimate Saviour Jesus Christ was born as a descendent of his brother Judah. This is a major debt of gratitude for Jews and Christians alike, even though some repeated the pattern of slaying the saviour.

– Joseph sings of being promised a “Land of our own”, which played out not only in the Exodus from Egypt back to Canaan, but through other persecution including the modern WW2 Holocaust (“give me a number instead of my name”) to the miraculous establishment of the physical nation of Israel.

– When Joseph was reunited with his brothers he must have had to work through some major forgiveness issues. The emotions were very raw. Funnily enough the last line of the song One more Angel “If he had not laid down his life we all would now be dead” was being played out. In a similar vein we have experienced the sacrifice and forgiveness of Christ.

– In some mind bending way which I’m still grappling with, Joseph is still alive and in some sort of conversation with Jesus and other people of faith (Matthew 17). There is a chance we will get to meet him and others in an amazing heavenly  after party.

I’m not sure whether Joseph will be wearing his coat, but there will be a lot of time to work the room and find out!