be ready

Just how ready are we?

Just how ready are we for Jesus?

In this article I want to challenge us all (me mostly!) about how ready we are for the next coming of Jesus.  And by that I don’t necessarily mean the physical presence of our Sovereign King Who will come on the clouds with great sounding trumpets.  What I simply mean is that we must be ready for the next time Jesus shows up in our world by His Spirit.

But first, an example of how we can be ready. 

We are currently renting a house as we prepare plans to build.  It’s exciting times for Kathy and I as we explore options, discuss what we don’t like and what we do.  We argue, debate, jest and jostle as we wrestle together to determine which direction we are heading.  As renters we are required to present our home for inspection every three months to ensure the property is in good order, undamaged and safe. 

This inspection is required by law, but is in fact good measure for the landlord and the tenant.  Why is it that we feel the most pressure the day before the inspection?  What is it that causes us to madly clean and tidy before our Property Manager arrives?  It’s anticipation — anticipation of the burden of measurement that comes with the visitation and inspection.  We want to be ready and present ourselves as best we can for this visit.

Why is it then that we don’t have the same attitude toward our Lord, Jesus?

We are in a season of readiness which requires us to clean and tidy, and I don’t mean our pile of clothes on the floor.  We must tend to the condition of our heart in order to be made ready for the move of grace, mercy and love that is coming by the Spirit of Jesus.

In the same way Kathy and I earnestly prepare our home for inspection, so too should we prepare ourselves for Jesus.  What will it take for the fear of the Lord to come upon us and spur us to action?

In last week’s message about Consecration (see the Embracing Holiness series) I mentioned a well-regarded sermon by revivalist, Charles Finney.  In his message, Preparing the Heart for Revival, Finney preaches from Hosea 10:12.

“Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.”

(Hosea 10:12, KJV)

To be ready we must “break up the fallow ground of our hearts.”

Finney speaks of the need for us all to “break up the fallow ground of our hearts,” as this is how we be made ready for the rain of God’s righteousness, (which some translations present as ‘salvation.’)  Finney speaks of the need to soften our hearts;

“If you want to break up the fallow ground of your heart, you must begin by looking at yourself. Examine your individual sins one by one. Go over them as carefully as a merchant goes over his books. General confessions of sin will never do. Your sins were committed one by one.”

Revivalist Charles Finney

In my reference to Finney, I quoted the areas of our heart he urges us to review.  I’ll leave this list here for us all to review, and I’m praying that you do spend time with the Spirit of God asking Him to shine His light on any areas that require cleansing or healing.  The way to healing is through repentance and forgiveness, and God is always willing to receive a repentant son or daughter.

Click on this link to open the list.

Here is the message, Embracing Holiness Through Consecration, from our series Embracing Holiness.