

We are currently in the season of Lent.
Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter. It is a time set aside each year to remember the love of God that is poured out through Jesus Christ on the cross. In his death; and His defeat of death, sin and satan.

To be completely honest, when I was a new Christian, I thought Lent was just for the Catholics or the “Super Spiritual” I didn’t understand it and so never participated. But in the last few years I have observed the season of Lent and educated myself on the principals and practices of Lent.

If you’re keen to know more about Lent, there are some great studies out there.

It helps prepare our soul for Easter and all it entails.

I am currently doing a daily study on Lent on the Lectio 365 app (this is a free app and is brilliant!) and in this study, they call it the “Bright-Sad season”, and I love that name for it, because that’s exactly what it is!

It is a season that is bright. Jesus’s resurrection means that there is life after death. There is new life in Christ when we die to our own sinful life. And there is life eternal for those who believe. Jesus rose from the grave, conquered death, and gave us life in its fullest. That my friends is definitely a reason to be bright!

Jesus’s resurrection means that there is life after death

But it is also a sad season as we remember what Christ endured on the Cross for us. Yes, each one of us. He hung on that Cross for you and for me. And that makes me sad to think of all He went through, all that pain and suffering just for me!

I want to live my life to the fullest, so His sacrifice was not wasted.

So, as we navigate this season of Lent, whether you observe it or not, I would love for you to think of it as a “Sad-Bright Season”.

Reflect on all that He has done, and the promises of things to come. Embrace all that this season holds, the sad and the bright.

Give thanks for the sacrifice He paid so we could all live this beautiful life. Take time to sit and ponder on it all.

Prepare your heart for Easter.

Let me leave you with these beautiful words I love from a hymn that was written over 150 years ago by Frances Ridley:

“Take my will and make it thine,
it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart it is thine own,
it shall be thy royal throne.”
