As we prepare to do church under the traffic light system we enter another season of relative unknown. We don’t know exactly what things will look like, only that they will not look as they have in the past.
After the events on Calvary, the followers of Jesus could have allowed discouragement to push them into putting the chapter of their lives, where they followed the Messiah, behind them. They could have followed the cultural norms, or reverted to their original pre-Christ beliefs and just continued living life. Its possible that more than a few did.
But if you keep reading your Bible, it shows us that not only did they continue to meet, their numbers grew. (Acts 1:14, Acts 2:1, Acts 2:41, Acts 2:44, Acts 2:46)
For the longest time Christians didn’t have a building set aside for worship. Instead they met around the table, they met in homes. The people of Christ met wherever they could, they encountered resistance, but were reminded to not give up in meeting together (Hebrews 10:25) and we can do the same.
Guidelines and Opportunities
The guidelines that have been set for us by the government mean that we have opportunity to meet in smaller groups. We have a chance to get to know the individuals of Zion better than we ever have. Because of the season we are experiencing, when we return to the building we can sit next to any person and be comfortable, because we have grown a deeper relationship with them.
During the weeks where we cannot utilise the Zion building I encourage you to gather with a few members of the Zion Family. Be brave, invite someone you don’t know well.
Be brave, invite someone you don’t know well.
I pray that by the time February comes around, the bonds of love within Zion have not only grown and strengthen within our existing family, but that our light has been so bright it has drawn in neighbours, family, and other people from our community, so that this time will be known in our family not as a time of separation, but as a time of unparalleled growth.
If you are interested in making the most out of your Covid and lockdown experience I encourage you to take a look at this blog from Ps Phil Your Lockdown-Life Litmus Test.