More Blessed

More Blessed

I can safely say that in my life I have been blessed, I can also tell you that I would happily accept more blessing.

Acts 20:35 – “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

In Acts 20:35 the Bible shares with us that it is ‘more blessed to give than receive’, interestingly it pairs this with working hard.

more blessed to give than receive

I must admit that working hard and blessing don’t generally share the same headspace, and yet…

Have you ever completed yard work for someone who you know has no way to repay you? Donated money to something or someone who may never know who you are? This is rarely easy work.

But, if you have done this kind of work I have no doubt that you know the radiant satisfied feeling that permeates your body at the completion of a job well done.

Blessing others ultimately blesses ourselves, so its important that we find places to invest in the work of blessing.

Blessing others ultimately blesses ourselves

You can start this practice in your home and family, in your workplace, and even in your place of worship.

This week I encourage you to slow down and look for the places your skills could be a blessing.

Could you mow a neighbours lawn, watch somebody’s child, visit someone, buy or simply drop off groceries, or welcome people to church?

Chances are that as you bless others, not only will you receive blessing, but the blessings that you already have will grow and develop. You may see an increase in a specific talent that you are using, you might deepen valuable relationships, or perhaps your joy will grow. Whatever it is, as you bless others you will likely have the opportunity to count your own blessings.