This past week we hosted Ps Steve Jeffares in our ZION at home slot. Ps Steve encouraged us with a fantastic message titled The Middle. “In our journey, we often find ourselves in the middle,” Ps Steve said, “and it’s helpful we see what God is trying to achieve through us while we are in the middle.”
I recommend you take time to watch the message, which I’ve included below.
I’m confident that by sharing these bullet points I’m not in any way spoiling the blessing you’ll get by watching the message, as there is plenty there for you to receive… especially when the Holy Spirit adds His revelation!
There are four things that happen when we stand in The Middle:
- testing, which is preparation
- sacrifice, which is an opportunity to worship
- restoration
- miracles.
This is what I call a ”Rhema” word for us right now! What do I mean by that? I mean that this message is fresh, it is inspired by God, and it carries the life-force (Spirit) of God. You can, therefore, expect God to bring new life to your world as you receive this message.
The Middle message is for you!
It sounds a little obvious, but The Middle is a place of between. The Middle as a place of between is a place that separates. You could say, you’re neither here nor there. This is the place that comes after your “from” and before your “to”. It’s a place between. This means The Middle is not a destination but merely a stage of the journey.
Ps Steve did a fantastic job of speaking to the importance of The Middle and the biblical examples of what God might be trying to achieve, so make sure you grab the insight in his message below.
For us here, I want to ask you to think about either side of The Middle. What or where is your “from”? And, be clear and determined to know what or where is your “to”. From is the place you have departed, so make sure you don’t look back or wish back. Lot’s wife looked back and got salty, (Gen 19:26). The Israelites were in the desert and wished they could return to Egypt (Ex 16:3). Even worse, the people of God complained about God and were turned away from the Promised Land! (Num 14:1-4)
Make sure you don’t look back or wish back.
Looking forward to your destination, your “to”, should be full of excitement and anticipation. After all, the destination is a promise! This promise should occupy your focus, it should settle your faith, and it is where your energy will flow. Keep your eyes on the prize!
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
Philippians 3:12
I urge you to live with holy anticipation for what God has in store for you. Allow God to work in your life while you are in The Middle, but don’t expect to live there forever. The destination is the promise.