New Footprints

New Footprints

For those who have ever sat in a toilet reading ‘Footprints in the Sand’ on the back of the door, (like I have), you’ll well remember the encouragement of being carried by Jesus through the tough times of life. 

“When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.” 

This is lovely, for sure, and I’m ever grateful for the strong, loving arms of Jesus—My Saviour.  He is loving, kind, patient, merciful, gracious, and committed. 

In fact, Jesus is so committed that I’m certain there are seasons that show evidence of Him dragging me through the sand, thrashing like an impertinent child. 

This is not that season.  Nor is this the season to be carried. 

My friend, I’m telling you there are new footprints in the sand for you to follow.  Jesus has gone before you into the new spiritual season He has prepared for us.  We are moving into exciting times as God’s people and Jesus has gone before us to prepare the way.  So, it is therefore incumbent on us to follow the new footprints. 

What might it look like to be following the new footprints in the sand?  Here are several thoughts that I share from my own personal spiritual life: 

  1. Seek out Jesus with renewed passion and determination.  Carve time out in your morning to get before Him.  Read the Bible or listen to it if need be.  Sing your prayers to Him (with the help of YouTube or Spotify.) 
  2. Come back to the promises God has given you and agree with them; say “yes and amen” with heaven.  Partner with God’s Holy Spirit as He creates your new season for you. 
  3. Review your daily and weekly disciplines with a view to culling those activities that do not serve your journey constructively.  (That means, stop doing what might hurt your progress!) 
  4. Gather with others who can sharpen your faith and lift your spirit.  This is not a time to be hiding from help, rather gaining strength from each other. 
  5. Sow seeds in faith.  God is the Lord of the harvest and works with the seeds we sow (2 Cor 9:6).  Therefore, ask Him what He is asking you to sow. 

King Solomon teaches us that there are seasons for each purpose of God (Eccl 3:1-8).  I think the point of that is to make sure we’re not choosing the wrong action for the season.  Imagine if you pruned the tree right before the fruit came ready?  Or what if you went to the lake for a swim while the surface was iced over?  What am I saying?  Choose how you live your life according to the work of God around you. 

I spoke about this in a podcast some time ago, you can listen to it here:  CWP.67. The Sons of Issachar. 

Let’s be people who follow Jesus in the same way the people of God followed the cloud and fire of His Presence into their promise.