Who is Jesus

Our mission is to shift culture.

We shift culture by changing the norm.

Over the weekend I was privileged to spend time with and invest in a community of christian writers at their annual retreat.  Actually, I should say “our” retreat as I am also a member of the NZ Christian Writers Association.

The underlying principle in my teaching sessions was that we, as communicators, are commissioned by Jesus to shift culture with our messages.  This belief comes from the Great Commission, (Matt 28: 18-20), where Jesus commissions us to “disciple nations.”  This commission, I might add, applies to all believers, not just writers!

Our mission is to shift culture. I would advocate that we shift culture by changing the norm, by redirecting behaviour, and by making the ways of Jesus, the way of people.  As we live as Christ-followers we should be demonstrating and reinforcing His teaching as the best way to live.  As we live this way we should be an example to others — an attractive example I might add — that encourages them to also choose to live their lives as Christ-followers.

As we live as Christ-followers we should be demonstrating and reinforcing His teaching as the best way to live.

I propose to us all that we have been given the responsibility to change our environment with our words and actions.  To encourage us in this, St Paul says, “set your sights on the realities of heaven”, (Col 3:1), in order that we would be guided toward the standard of living and the privilege of enjoying all that Jesus Christ has provisioned for us.  Living by the “norm” of heaven helps us to shift culture on earth;  remember, “on earth as it is in heaven”  (Matt 6:10).

Our final conference session was delivered by seasoned author George Bryant OSM, who challenged us as christian writers that our effectiveness in shifting culture (discipling nations) is not measured inside the church, but outside of it.  We are commissioned by Jesus to “go into all the world”, which means we must operate outside of the walls of the church.  This is very much in line with our theme of “Church Without Walls” from last summer.

If our mission is to shift culture, what does that mean for Zion people?  I challenge you to think about this and then chat with someone else who will encourage you to live in a way that shifts the culture around you.