Passover Celebration is for Christians

PassoverThe Passover Celebration is God’s gift to us as His children, let us not miss how important this celebration is for us as Christians.

The first Passover occurred when the Israelites were in captivity in Egypt and were suffering under the oppression of harsh conditions, slavery and suffering.  God came and made a promise to deliver them and He is always faithful to His promise!  You can read the story in Exodus 11 and 12 and see how the people of Israel were instructed to shed blood of a lamb and mark the lintel of their doors with it so that death would not enter their home, but instead it would pass over them.

The Message of Passover

I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb out of the hand of the enemy.

This is a powerful message for us as Christians, for Jesus came as our Passover Lamb (1 Cor 5:7).  This is God’s plan for the redemption of mankind and it includes you!  The original Passover event and annual feasts all point to Jesus as God’s Chosen Redeemer!

Passover is all about Jesus

  • He came as the Lamb of God
  • His blood redeems us
  • By His death, judgement was turned away and the power of the enemy was broken
  • We were released from bondage and oppression
  • We were set free to enter into God’s promise.

Celebrate Jesus

As you pause this month to remember Passover and the sacrifice Jesus made for you, be sure to celebrate.  The people of God were commanded to feast with their family, to celebrate with joy the goodness of God and to draw strength from this time of focus on God.

Passover is not to be just a religious ritual or a holiday.  It is a time set aside by God for specific spiritual transactions to take place.  It’s a time to;

  • praise God for His work of deliverance in our lives
  • seek Him for a fresh release of deliverance today
  • gain faith for His work in the future.

Come to the table, enjoy the feast of God set apart for the people of God, and be strengthened in faith that He Who has begun a good work in you will complete it… for He is faithful.


(Reference:  “The Messianic Church is Arising!”,  Dr Robert D. Heidler)