

Proverbs 16:9 (NIV) “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

I am a planner. I have dreams, plans, ideas, and lists. Oh the lists I have. There are diagrams, colour codes, annual, monthly, and weekly breakdowns, I have a plan for my life, and chances are you have one too.

I’m learning as I grow that as grand, well thought out, and ‘good’ my plans might be, sometimes my plans and the steps God has arranged for me aren’t in line, and through experience I know that the steps He has planned for my life are ultimately for my good. What He has planned for me is usually better than whatever I want for myself.

What He has planned for me is usually better than whatever I want for myself.

In Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) the Bible tells us that the Lord knows the plans He has for us, and that they are to prosper us, to give us a hope and a future.

So, despite all my plans, it seems that the best thing I can do in my life is to hold my plans loosely. To be prepared to have things change, and to trust that no matter how the change feels in the moment, to trust that God will ensure the outcome.

As you make plans for this year, and I believe you should make them, I encourage you to have your ears and eyes open to hear the path God would have you go down, be ready to pivot, be prepared to shift gears, know that if you take a wrong path God will redirect you, and trust that whatever happens God will establish your steps.