Please God Not Me!

Please God Not Me!

Please God Not Me!

I am pretty sure these are the words I uttered when thinking about Missions!

I didn’t have it on my heart, and I sure didn’t want to step out of my comfort zone. I didn’t want God to send me to some far-flung country where I would have to sleep on a grass mat, eat spiders for breakfast and converse with people in another language I couldn’t understand! That was not my idea of fun.

But God had other plans!
He is loving and gracious, and slowly worked on my perception of what a mission’s trip could look like.

He is loving and gracious

Mark 16:15 says: He said to them “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

All the world. Not just my wee corner of it, not just the warm tropical places with sun loungers and fruity drinks, and definitely not just the places I would feel comfortable in.

All the world means ALL the world.

All the world means ALL the world

As I prayed about missions, God opened my heart like I never thought possible. He opened my eyes to the needs of others; in countries I knew nothing about.

He broke my heart for what breaks His, and soon the ache in my heart became greater than my need for comfort.

the ache in my heart became greater than my need for comfort

How could I sit at home in my comfy chair when there were thousands of people out there that needed to know the love of Jesus? Someone had to tell them of the love and grace freely given by the one who made them and loves them?

I knew it had to be me. I knew the conviction in my heart came from God, and I knew I was the one who had to sow those seeds and tell people of His glorious gift. How could I sit at home knowing these people needed to know His love as much as I did. I had to live in obedience.

I had to live in obedience

So, I went.
And I can honestly say, my life has never been the same since! The people are on my heart and when I’m not with them I am praying for them. They matter to God, and because they matter to God, they matter to me. I love them more than I ever thought possible.

I love them more than I ever thought possible.

Now I know God won’t call everyone to go to the far-flung corners of the earth, but the fact is, He has called all of us to go. I don’t think this was a suggestion in the Bible, I believe it was a commandment.

That will look different for all of us. Maybe its overseas, maybe it’s in another town, or maybe it’s on your backdoor step. Everywhere we turn there are people who need to know the love of their Heavenly Father.

Everywhere we turn there are people who need to know the love of their Heavenly Father

So, I’ll leave you with this question….

 Where is God sending you?

