My Most Powerful Rejuvenation Strategy

Life as a leader gets busy and that means it can drain us of our energy if we are not careful. Burnout is a risk if we don’t take measures of self-protection and plan adequate rest.

Be warned, says Peter; “Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

Another version says “Be clearheaded. Keep alert.”

The way I do this is I plan ahead to take myself out of circulation for a few days. I rest intentionally. I have a very gracious and supportive family who know how important it is for me to have time out. I plan a mountain-top type excursion away in a quiet place where I can hang out with God, worship, pray, rest and hear from His heart. I figure it was a key survival technique for Moses, David and Jesus – so why not me?

I have found over the years that this has been life-changing for me. I treat this time with all seriousness and reverence. I expect to spend time with The Lord and receive from Him. And I ask for Him to rejuvenate me and refresh me with His living water so that I can carry on the mission He has for me.

I now make this a regular discipline and it’s one I won’t give up unless I hear The Lord asking me to is a loud, bold voice. It’s that important to me!

What can you do as a leader to make sure you are clear headed, alert and protected from burn-out?