To present each other glorious

What is our purpose as representatives of Almighty God?

Paul writes some clear instructions for husbands and wives in Ephesians 5 and makes it clear that we are to “submit ourselves to one another in reverence for Christ.”  That looks like you surrendering your personal aims and agenda in order to serve the other person in your relationship.  These instructions apply to us all and will help us to live in partnership with others, not just our spouse.  The application is relevant for our children, our staff, our friends and those we meet in the community.

The good news for you is there is a reason for you to choose to submit and serve, and it is wonderful.  Each one of us plays a role in uplifting the other and allowing them to shine with the brilliance (glory) of God for others to see and experience.

The truth is we should serve others in this way

Paul is a masterful writer and leads us on a journey through the text to get us to a key point.  He says:

  1.   Christ loves the church and died for us (v 25)
  2.   Christ did this to set us apart and renew us (v26)
  3.   Christ desired to present us as a glorious church (v27)

Jesus Christ gives us the example to follow.  We are to serve others to see them shine.

A glorious purpose for us

Paul gives us this phrase that I think outlines a key purpose for us, and I’ve chosen to adopt this phrase in the following way as a personal guide to help me to serve others.  I have decided I am to “present others as glorious.”


… to present each other as glorious …

For someone to be glorious means for them to be filled with the nature and goodness of God so that we reflect Who He is to those around us.  For me to “present them glorious” means I desire to play a role in supporting them to be fully alive and fully amazing as God created them to be.  I can be supportive in uncovering the “gift” they are/possess and supporting them to share their gift with the world.  For some that gift may be music, for others it may be teaching.  Many have the gift of hospitality which my stomach appreciates!

I can support people by encouraging them.  If I am able, I can support them through tutoring or mentoring.  As a leader one of my key functions is to open opportunities for people.  These channels of serving allow me to present them glorious to the world by enabling them to shine.

I think we can consider this useful teaching by Paul and applicable in all walks of life.  How can you apply this to your marriage and help your spouse to reflect God’s brilliance?  Think about how you can connect your children to God so they can discover who He created them to be.  And for our community, speak positive messages around them so they feel empowered to walk in the path God has designed for them… maybe they will meet God along the way!

This post supports a recent two-part message titled While The Bridegroom Waits.