prophetic connect group

Prophecy is vital for the church

What is God saying to His church? 

To move with God requires the people of God to hear God’s voice through the gift of prophecy.  In these days it is vital for the church to hear God’s voice and respond in obedience.  Clarity, wisdom and discerning the times are all aspects of hearing God’s voice. This is critical to ensure we move in unity. 

We are in a time of transition. The Lord is moving Zion people into a new phase of their life of partnership with the Spirit of God.  In times of transition it is important to hear God clearly (through prophecy). It is also important to respond accordingly, (through testing and weighing these prophetic messages). 

As church leaders, we rely on hearing God’s voice through the activation of the spiritual gift of prophecy.  Hearing God is made effective when a group of people come together to develop, strengthen and coordinate their gift.  The Bible refers to this as a ‘company of prophets’ or otherwise referred to as a ‘school of prophets’.  (This article by Lyn Packer is very helpful in understanding more about the biblical reference to a company of prophets.) 

One of the key focus points of the spiritual leadership of Zion is “Developing a Prophetic Culture.”  This comes from instructions the Lord gave to our church leaders in 2018 which has been carefully assessed and subsequently accepted as valid for our season.  (This is an aspect of “weighing and measuring” prophetic messages to ensure accuracy.) 

Prophecy is vital for Zion

“Developing a Prophetic Culture” includes identifying people who have a prophetic gift and supporting the development of that gift in a safe way.  As we enabling the prophetic gift, it is our expectation that Prophets will emerge. According to scripture, this will benefit of the wider church family.  Furthermore, a prophetic team of people who are functioning cohesively will better enable our church to serve our town and region. 

If you are interested in joining together with a ‘school of prophets’ (of sorts), please contact the church office to enquire further.  We are launching a new Connect Group for this purpose.