Refined like silver

Refined like silver

Blaming the Devil.

In Christian circles it is not uncommon to hear how the Devil comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Thus, he can get the blame when things in life go wrong.

But can this verse be taken to an unhealthy extreme? To the point of hindering personal and/or church growth?

Let me give an example.

I was married for 10 years and became divorced in 2004. I could blame the Devil (or an evil spirit) for the demise of my marriage, for the affair my wife had and all the heartache that was experienced thereafter.

But what happens if I entirely shift the blame and responsibility for the failure of my marriage onto the Devil?

Answer; I would forsake my personal responsibility for my own shortcomings in the marriage and thus making it impossible to improve upon those shortcomings the next time I’m in a relationship.

Is that healthy or helpful? Is it possible that this is one of the ways that the Devil steals from us? By deceiving us to blame him, instead of owning up to our personal faults and taking the appropriate action.

While I am not suggesting we take 100% responsibility of everything that goes wrong in life, let’s not forget about the refiners fire that God puts us through and the reason for it.

To get rid of the dross in our life. The selfishness, greed, lust, apathy, indifference, anger and the list goes on. Instead of being quick to blame the Devil, let’s remember that people are not the dross, our impurities are.

“See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.” Isaiah 48:10.

LORD please help us to be open to your refining so we may become more like you. Amen.