Rejoice in your salvation

Rejoice in your salvation

We are all the sons and daughters of our Father in heaven. Whether someone is a follower of Christ or whether they are not. That is a fact that cannot be refuted, as God created us all in his image.

However, there is a separation amongst the children of God: those who acknowledge, love, and follow God and his laws (Mark 12:30-31), and those who do not. So what is it that we gain from our love for God? Salvation.

Often, life can blind us to this fact; we tend to forget that we are saved, and we start to view our salvation as an afterthought or something that has become stale.

The idea of our salvation does not bring us joy when we think about it, not because of anything we have done but because of things we are not doing. We get so caught up in everyday life that we start to forget just how amazing our salvation story is.

In the awesome words of Christian singer/songwriter Keith Green. “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and renew a right spirit within me.” It is because of this salvation that, although we may suffer from time to time, or for years in some people’s cases, we can bear through these struggles and bear with these thorns in our flesh because we are saved and we have an eternal promise in Christ that there will be no more sickness, no more suffering, and no more pain.

The salvation of Christ is for all who choose to love, follow, and obey God. Rejoice in the fact that we have a God and that we serve, a God who sees us when we suffer and who has prepared a room for us in his Father’s house when it is our time to be called home.

Rejoice in your salvation.
