Reset might require more than you think


These are words that describe what we sense God is doing in His church (which is us) in this time of waiting.  Maybe you’re waiting for things to go back to normal, but maybe God is waiting for you to notice what He wants to do? 

For me, just this week I have been in REVIEW mode. 

I believe the season is ripe for a RESET and this will ultimately require us to have a new way of thinking. 

Yesterday I spoke a message that was brewed in my “secret place” with the Lord.  I have spent many hours in God’s Word, mostly in the book of Joshua.  I have written about this before and have hours of study notes and personal reflections.  In this, I believe God is speaking very clearly to Zion People about the process He is leading us through.  I urge you to go back and watch (or listen) to that message again.  (It’s available on Youtube here or in our Zion app as an audio message.) 

In Joshua chapter 5 the Lord instructs Joshua to circumcise the men, and while we’re not going to get the knives or sharp stones out today, I believe the Lord is asking us all – men, women and children – to bring our hearts before Him to allow the things of the flesh to be removed.  In short, circumcision is a sign of obedience that leads to faith. 

What does this mean for us? 

God is bringing us all to the place where He is cutting away our flesh.  That means you will be feeling like God is stripping things away from you.  I want you to know that God is doing this to build your faith in Him. 

This is what RESET looks like people – life looking different than it did before!  It looks like us becoming more dependent on God’s strength than our own!  God invites you to allow Him to circumcise your flesh, to cut away what is not for you to keep. 

And you don’t get to choose, debate or argue what He thinks… but you can avoid it. 

What does God want to cut out of our lives? 

  1. Old paradigms about what your life is supposed to look like. 
  2. Wrong attitudes – “stinking thinking”. 
  3. Avoiding His complete Lordship in our lives. 
  4. Blatant Sin. 
  5. Being the church but being inactive in the community. 

I hope you hear Jesus speaking to your heart today.  Will you ask Him what He wants to remove and will you allow Him to remove it? 
