Resolving a serious issue

Resolving a serious issue

In the Bible there are times when God speaks in a warm and loving manner (Gen 6:17-21), and then there are times when He speaks in anger (Ex 32:9-10).  We would do well to hear the voice of the Lord and respond in a way that keeps us on His good side – I for one do not want to hear God’s angry voice! 

From the way I read the scriptures, God only seems to be angry when His people don’t heed His instructions or warnings and live according to their wisdom and not God’s. 

Pastor Steve Jeffares gave a good example of this in his message last Sunday, Tithing Against Giants, when he shared about “Intermediate Steve.”  It’s well worth a listen, especially if you want to avoid God’s angry voice.  (This is specifically in context of our current series, Windows of Heaven, based on Malachi 3:10.) 

God is speaking very clearly to me about rest… or my lack of it.  How do I know God is speaking to me?  Well, I find references everywhere, like signposts all pointing to the same message.  If God was trying to make a point, He has succeeded.  There is a serious issue with lack of rest in my life.  And this does not simply mean lying down and watching Netflix or sitting in the sun and reading a book.  It’s about living in the pattern God has established for my success.  And that pattern is rest.  (The key scripture for me in this journey is Matt 11:27-30 – read it here.) 

How do I know God is speaking to me?  Well, I find references everywhere.

The serious issue for me, though, is not the destination God has for me.  The serious issue is whether or not I am listening and obeying.  Not resting properly in line with the patterns of God is the bad fruit of an unhealthy root.  God is more concerned about removing the root, which will result in no more bad fruit. 

God is more concerned about removing the root, which will result in no more bad fruit. 

Charles Spurgeon wrote in 1866, “It is no new thing for Christians to know their duty, to have their conscience enlightened about it, and yet to neglect it.” 

So, my question for us all is this; what is God saying to you that you may be avoiding?  That’s the serious issue we need to resolve.  When we are a people of obedience, we become carriers of His blessing. 

When we are a people of obedience, we become carriers of His blessing. 

(1 Sam 15:22, Deut 5:32-33, John 15:10-11)